General Rules

  • During the school hours the students will not be allowed to leave the school premises without the prior
    written intimation from the parents or guardians.
  • If a student is absent due to sickness, medical certificate should be submitted along with the parents application for leave.
  • Students suffering from the infectious diseases will not be allowed to attend the school till he / she is completely cured. It should be certified by the concerned doctor.
  • Parents should see that the children do not remain absent except under unavoidable circumstances as it badly affects their progress.
  • The students should come to school 10 minutes before the school starts.
  • Parents and guardians are not allowed to meet their children or teachers during school hours.
  • Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings it is not advisable for pupils to bring money or valuable articles with them.
  • The school uniform must be clean, tidy and ironed. Shoes should be polished.
  • It is compulsory that the students wear school uniform when attending school functions, and other competition outside.
  • A Student who comes to class without the uniform must bring a note of excuse from parent or guardian.
  • Every student must attend the class on the re-opening day after each of the vacation. If they fail to attend, a leave application should be submitted or else Rs. 10 will be charged as a fine. The Same rule will be followed for the Independence Day, Republic Day and Maharashtra Day
  • Students must speak English in School/ Premises.

General Conduct

  1. All the student are expected to be courteous and well behaved at all times. .
  2. Student must handle the school property with care
  3. Cleanliness has to be maintained in the classrooms, corridors, washrooms & the school campus
  4. Running in the corridors is strictly prohibited.
  5. There should be no running or jumping in the classroom
  6. No scribbling on the walls and the desk will be permitted
  7. Boy’s hair should be trimmed from time to time Long / Fancy / Funky hair styles are not allowed.

Recommendation For Parents

Parents are requested not to go directly to the Classroom of the children. Contact the office in case of need.

Parents too, may send their comments to the school through diary / Separate note.

Parents are advised to check the school bags of children on daily basiis to ensure that they bring books & notebooks strickly as per time table only.

Bus Rules

1) Five months bus fees should be paid in advance.
2) The bus will run only to the stops of each locality and not to the individual houses
3) Student not in time for the bus will have to make their own arrangement on that day to come to school
4) Do not shout / Scream in the moving bus.
5) Remain seated in your place till your stop come.
6) Queue for getting into the bus.
7) Parents should avoid requests for changes in the bus routs.
8) The bus will not wait for any late comers.

Discipline Policy


1) Misbehavior in the Bus.
2) Improper uniform / untidiness
3) Not signing the calendar.
4) Use of foul languages
5) Disrespect towards teachers.
6) Copying during tests / exams.
7) Damage to school property